“One Man’s Rubbish Is Anothers Treasure”

"Ned of the Shed"
“Ned of the Shed”

On the 6th of June we discovered that a donkey stallion with overgrown hooves had been dumped here in the early hours of the morning … the people dumping stallions onto a property with mares, some of whom have foals at foot, really have no level of intelligence at all … it is an absolutely mindless act :/

In any event, as this is supposed to be a ‘happy’ post, on the 20th of June “Ned of the Shed” had his last trip out & about as a stallion … yes he went to visit the gang at Ballyhugh Veterinary Clinic and so just a few hours later he was back in our care having been transformed into a gelding   🙂

Okay I know for any males reading this post you are wondering how we can put the term “happy post” and “gelding” into the one sentence .. don’t worry that was not the “happy” bit of the story 😉

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Colts in Need of TLC

These two 3yr old colts arrived into our care just as June 2013 was drawing to a close 🙁

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Both had huge worm burdens which after dosing meant that this was all the bodyweight they actually had.

These ponies lived in a residential area on a main road on the edge of a Co Clare village ……

If you see or know of ponies, horses and/or donkeys in trouble PLEASE do not say to yourself “someone else will report them” … you are “someone” and if you care enough to notice them then you need to get help to them.

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