Pups Stolen In Co Clare

3 Maltese pups were stolen from their owner’s kitchen in Tulla, Co Clare on Friday the 21st of June 2013. Please if you have any information on their whereabouts contact the number shown on the picture

Tiny new equine arrival at BAR

Megan is a 9h-10h pony who arrived into our care along with a number of other small inbred ponies who were being neglected by their owner.

Megan is around 3yrs old and around 9-10h
Megan is around 3yrs old and around 9-10h

Upon arrival Megan was underweight, worm bound, had lice and rain scald. She is a nervous pony who has most likely never been handled properly in her 3yrs of life 🙁

In April we became suspicious that Megan, despite her physical condition upon arrival, was in foal and as the weeks went on we were left with no doubt that this was the case. On Father’s Day, the 16th of June, she produced what is undoubtedly the smallest ever equine to be in BAR’s care …

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Flora Mini Marathon

We would like to send our best “Good Luck” wishes to Ruthy & Hannah who are taking part in the Flora Mini Marathon in Dublin today on our behalf. With the current fodder crisis affecting us here we need your help more than ever so please consider sponsoring the effort of the two girls http://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/10835_ruthy-murphy-s-fundraising-page.html

Delboys Tack Shop

Delboy’s Tack Shop idea came from a lovely donation of leatherwork and has continued. All items are available to be seen at the link below and a description of the item and price is attached to each picture. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.461709990572423.1073741828.450016698408419&type=1&l=091023580f Postage costs will also be displayed. Other items will be added as they are received. If … Read more